Full-time Vanlife adventure travel breathwork community freedom full-time nomad gratitude nomadic living road trip tiny home traveling with pets van life van life adventures van life inspiration May 13, 2023

I am so freaking in with the life I’ve created, living full-time in Alani .

A little over a year ago I started manifesting her. I had visions & deep visceral desires of freedom on the...

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Celebrating personal growth! baja mexico diy van repairs nomadic lifestyle overcoming obstacles personal growth self-reliance tiny home van life adventures van life challenges van life community May 04, 2023

Boy do I have a story to tell you . . .

I have a crazy story to tell you all about my experience with my van, Alani from our 2 months in Baja, .

We were driving down a really freaking bumpy back...

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Breath is the bridge that connects life athletic performance breathwork techniques conscious breathing emotional healing holotropic inner peace meditation mind-body connection nervous system regulation pranayama quotes self-discovery spritual awareness stress reduction thich nhat hanh three-part breath May 02, 2023

Breathwork has been practiced for thousands of years in different cultures and continues to be a powerful tool for connecting with one's body, mind, and soul. The breath is a vital part of our...

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How Breathwork Can Benefit Your Health benefits better sleep boosting energy boots immunity breath rate breathwork breathwork benefits breathwork techniques concentration diaphragmatic breathing energy boost health mental clarity mindful breathing parasympathetic nervous system relaxation methods removing toxins stress reduction Apr 25, 2023

Breathwork, also known as mindful breathing, is a simple and effective method for improving your mental and physical health. We typically take our breath for granted, but we can learn to use it...

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