10 Things You Might Not Know About Me 🌟

breathwork journey emotional healing ironman triathlete living with purpose marathon nomadic life olympic weightlifting personal transformation self-discovery ultra-marathon Apr 27, 2024

1️⃣ Astrological Tapestry: I’m woven from the stars of a Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, and Capricorn Rising. This blend guides my soul’s journey, balancing all my emotions, imagination, and desires.

2️⃣ Vagabond Spirit: For the past two years, my home has been my converted Ram ProMaster, “Alani.” We’ve traversed the vast landscapes of the US and Baja Mexico, traveling over 25,000 miles, sharing the transformative powers of breathwork and making lifetime connections.

3️⃣ Human Design: As a 3/5 Generator, I’m a living experiment of life’s rich tapestry, learning through life’s challenges & successes. My resilience is here to inspire and guide others in navigating their paths.

4️⃣ A Journey Through Time: Turning 55 this year marks a milestone of profound wisdom and growth for me. The transition of my dad from this earth 5 years ago, spurred a deep, soulful introspection, leading me to the path of deep inner work and self-discovery.

5️⃣ Seafaring Soul: For 5 magical years, I lived aboard a boat in Southern California, fulfilling a lifelong dream. The mighty Pacific whispered secrets of its depth, teaching me about the profound magic that lies in the ebb and flow of life.

6️⃣ Marathoner’s Heart: From the historic streets of Boston to the rugged trails of the Colorado Rockies, my feet have danced over the marathon and ultra-marathon finish lines, my best at 40 and a monumental 122-mile journey at 50.

7️⃣ Athlete in Essence: My body, mind, and soul have competed on National stages, from the heat of 6 Ironman triathlons, including the World Championship in Hawaii, to the precision of Olympic Weightlifting in Las Vegas @ 48 years young, setting records & pushing my minds preconceived limits.

8️⃣ Roots: My heritage carries the Polish fire of my last name, “Starzinski,” refined to “Starr” by my grandfather before I was born

9️⃣ Rebirth in the Jungle: Costa Rica’s wild embrace was my crucible, where I chose self-love over an emotionally abusive past, reinventing my life. This is where Breathwork guided me to emerge as a survivor and a beacon for others.

🔟 Heartfelt Connections: My daily adventures are shared with my 6-year-old chocolate lab, Olivia Grace, infusing each moment with pure joy. I have a 28-year-old daughter, a shining embodiment of love and resilience, gracefully navigating life and mamahood to 3 fur babies. Born by the South Florida sea, my soul forever seeks the salty embrace of ocean waves.

✨ Every step, every breath, is a chapter in my story. I'm honored to share my journey and the transformative power of breathwork with you.

Let's breathe in this beautiful life together.


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