The Duality of Comparison: Thief of Joy or Catalyst for Growth authenticity breathwork facilitator comparison emotional health holistic healing mental health mental wellbeing mindfulness personal growth self-empowerment self-esteem self-love self-validation spiritual healing Aug 09, 2024

Hey there beautiful souls!

Do you ever find yourself lost in the endless scroll of social media, feeling like everyone else has it all figured out while you’re left behind? It’s a...

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From Trauma to Triumph: Kristina Gauthier's Healing and Empowerment addiction recovery breathwork empowerment generational healing healing inner child healing kundalini yoga resilience self-love transformational trauma trauma recovery yoga Jul 19, 2024

Can you imagine turning your life around from the depths of trauma and addiction to become a beacon of healing and empowerment?

Welcome to another inspiring installment of Raw & Radiant! This...

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Unveiling My Vulnerability, Embracing My Authenticity breathwork transformation emotional healing empowerment healing from abuse inner wisdom intuition personal growth self-discovery self-love spiritual awakening vulnerability Feb 27, 2024

Embracing the wisdom within me and choosing to lean into vulnerability, I'm sharing with you a journey that has shaken the foundations of my existence—the transformative power of Breathwork....

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How Breathwork changed my life. 3 part breath 3 part breathwork breathwork breathwork transformation disconnection emotional healing empowerment healing from trauma life changing mental wellbeing mind-body connection overcoming people-pleaseing people pleasing personal growth reset breathwork self-discovery self-love spiritual awakening trauma Mar 23, 2023

Breathwork has changed my life in ways I never imagined possible. I was dealing with trauma, people-pleasing, and a general disconnection from life. That is until I discovered the transformative...

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