Falling Forward: Embracing the Fear of Failure Through Breathwork

Welcome back to Raw and Radiant, magical souls! 🌟

Today, we're diving into a topic that’s been making waves in my breathwork sessions – the notorious fear of failure. But hold onto your chakras because we're about to flip the script and show you how to embrace it as "falling forward."

The Fear of Failure is Total BS (Belief System)

Let’s get real – the fear of failure is like that annoying song that gets stuck in your head. It keeps you playing small and doubting your awesomeness. But guess what? It’s all a bunch of BS – Belief System! We’re here to change that narrative and transform your fears into fierce forward motion.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  1. The Big Illusion: Why the fear of failure is just a sneaky story your mind loves to tell. Spoiler alert: It's time to rewrite that plot!

  2. Breathwork Magic: How your breath can be the secret weapon to dismantle anxiety and bring you back to your fabulous, grounded self. Get ready to breathe like a zen master!

  3. Falling Forward, Darling: Forget failure; we’re all about falling forward. Learn how to turn those stumbles into stylish strides forward. Because let's face it, who needs regrets when you can have lessons?

  4. Sweaty Pits and All: Victoria gets real about those 'sweaty pit moments' – when fear strikes, and your armpits go into overdrive. Find out why these moments are actually golden tickets to growth.

  5. Permission to Shine: A heartfelt pep talk to remind you that you're worthy of your wildest dreams. Yes, even the ones that make your palms sweat and your heart race!

  6. Victoria’s Van Adventures: Tune in for a juicy personal story about how buying a van and hitting the road turned fear into freedom. Spoiler: It's packed with laughs, lessons, and a few detours.


Mark your calendars, magical souls! Join me in Sedona, AZ from October 31 to November 4 for ROOTS RECLAIMED: A Sacred Journey in Sedona Retreat.  Dive deep into breathwork, connect with your inner warrior, and return to your roots. This retreat will be a powerful blend of earth elements, tribal energy, and spiritual frequency healing. Don’t miss this opportunity to rejuvenate and rediscover your true self in the stunning landscapes of Sedona. [TAP HERE FOR MORE INFO]

Key Takeaways:

  • The fear of failure is just a mirage. Let’s navigate through it with breathwork and a healthy dose of sass.
  • Learn practical breathwork techniques to shift from panic to peace.
  • Reframe your mindset: there’s no such thing as failure, only fabulous falling forward.
  • Embrace those awkward, sweaty moments – they’re signs you’re on the brink of something amazing.
  • You have permission to be bold, brave, and unapologetically YOU.

Listener Love:

"Victoria’s episodes are like a breath of fresh air – literally and figuratively." - Sarah K.

"Every episode leaves me feeling empowered and ready to take on the world. This one was no different. Bring on the sweaty pits!" - Joni T.

Join the Movement:

Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share the love. Let’s create a ripple effect of empowerment and authenticity. Together, we can turn every so-called failure into a step forward in our radiant journeys.

Tune in now, grab your headphones, and let’s breathe our way to brilliance! 🌬️✨


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Connect with Victoria:

Website: https://www.victorialeestarr.com/

IG: @victorialeestarr

FB: Victoria Lee Starr