Ep. 014 - Transformative Breathwork: Embracing Every Part of Your Journey with The Healing Couple

Welcome to another transformative episode of "Raw & Radiant." I'm your host, Victoria Starr, and today, I'm freaking excited to have my dear friends and Breathwork mentors, Jess and Cory, of “The Healing Couple.” In this inspiring episode, we dive deep into a conversation about intimate relationships, the importance of embracing authenticity, and integrating all aspects of ourselves into our one and only expansive life.

We share about our personal growth journeys, exploring the intricacies of relationships and the pivotal role breathwork plays in our lives. I also open up about my healing journey through breathwork, shedding light on the transformative power it holds in fostering trust, safety, and healing.

Our narrative unfolds into breaking free from societal norms and making opposite choices for personal growth, celebrating those awakening moments that challenge the status quo. From there, we take a deep dive into breathwork, unraveling its effects on the nervous system and recounting personal experiences. We navigate the realms of vulnerability, trust, and breaking away from traditional gender roles in relationships. Spontaneity-inducing activities and valuable tips for enhancing intimacy are shared, and we discuss managing energy and emotions through alone time, somatic release methods, and self-reflection in fostering healthy relationships.

This firey episode of “Raw & Radiant" brings a whole lot of love and passion to us all.

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LIBERATION: Rising From The Ashes 


Connect with Victoria: @vistorialeestarr