Ep. 006: A Daughter's Journey: Love, Loss and Self-Acceptance

Welcome back to another episode of Raw and Radiant. I'm Victoria Starr, your host, and today's episode is going to be a bit different. I'm about to take you on a personal journey into my past, exploring the deep love I had for my dad and the regrets I still carry from my childhood.

Back in the '70s, my parents went through a bitter divorce, and trust me, it left an emotionally deep scar. It's incredible how those early experiences can shape who we become, right? For me, it shaped not only my thoughts and beliefs but also how I behaved throughout my life.

Growing up as a child of divorce, I know firsthand the fear of abandonment. It's like this shadow that follows you, always lurking in the background. And it led me down a path where I was constantly seeking validation from others, always trying to please everyone around me. Can any of you relate to that?

But today, I'm going to share my journey of untangling those limiting beliefs and stories that kept me in that self-protective bubble. It hasn't been easy, but it's been incredibly liberating. One of the most profound parts of my story is the incredible bond I had with my dad. We had adventures together, created memories, and shared some beautiful moments. But there are choices I made back then that I deeply regret, and I'll be opening up vulnerably and sharing some of those regrets today. And you know what's interesting? The impact of my dad's passing on my perspective. It's made me realize the importance of living a life without regrets, cherishing every moment, and living each day to the fullest.

So, join me in this heartfelt episode as we explore how childhood experiences and parental influence can shape our lives. Let's dive into the power of unraveling our past to become a truer version of ourselves and how seeking external validation can hold us back. We'll also delve into the motivating force of regret and the enduring influence of the parent-child bond.

Remember, life is about learning and growing, and sometimes, that means confronting our past to shine brighter in the present. Stay tuned, and let's get started on this beautiful journey together.

Connect with Victoria:

Instagram @victorialeestarr

Visit: www.victorialeestarr.com

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