Transformative Sisterhood and Breathwork: My Chrysalis 🦋 Journey in Sedona breathwork breathwork journey breathwork retreat cacao ceremony meditation personal growth roots reclaimed retreat sedona vortex healing self-discovery somatic breathwork spiritual transformation transformation women empowerment Jun 30, 2024

Have you ever felt the butterfly effect of true sisterhood? 

I recently spent 7 days deeply immersed in the 'Chrysalis' mastermind in Sedona, Arizona. It’s taken me a few days to...

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Finding Abundance Through Breathwork & Mindfulness in Nature breathwork deep breathing techniques disconnecting meditation mental health mindful living mindfulness nature spiritual well-being stress relief Jun 10, 2024

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding a moment of silence can feel like a luxury. However, embracing these quiet moments can lead us to discover a profound sense of abundance.


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Breath is the bridge that connects life athletic performance breathwork techniques conscious breathing emotional healing holotropic inner peace meditation mind-body connection nervous system regulation pranayama quotes self-discovery spritual awareness stress reduction thich nhat hanh three-part breath May 02, 2023

Breathwork has been practiced for thousands of years in different cultures and continues to be a powerful tool for connecting with one's body, mind, and soul. The breath is a vital part of our...

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