Soulful Healing: My Journey Through Sacred Ceremonies and Breathwork

baja mexico breathwork craniosacral therapy emotional freedom technique emotional liberation grief healing healing journey psychedelic healing sacred ceremony sacred plant medicine shamanic healing soul rebirth spiritual transformation timeline therapy Apr 25, 2024

Imagine standing at the edge of the ocean, your feet cradled by the warm sandy beach; see yourself standing under a blanket of darkness as the stars above dance to the rhythm of the sea, as the waves whisper secrets of liberation and renewal.

This past month, my journey unfolded beneath a starlit sky in Baja, Mexico, where I embraced the ancient rhythms of a sacred psychedelic ceremony. Each moment was a deep dive into the cosmic dance of my soul's rebirth.

A Sacred Encounter: As the shamanic drumbeat synchronized with my heartbeat, I ventured beyond the veil of my subconscious mind and found myself in a profound dialogue with my dad, who left this earthly plane in 2018. His presence was palpable, caressing me in a magical embrace. We shared words unspoken in life, tears of forgiveness, and laughter that spanned dimensions. This encounter shifted me from a place of unresolved grief to a profound peace, healing old wounds that I carried in my heart.

Timeline Therapy - Rewriting My Stars: Back on the timeline of my earthly existence, I revisited critical moments in my life that had defined me. With timeline therapy, I journeyed through these memories not as a spectator but as a healer of my own narrative. I moved from self-doubt to self-empowerment, transforming the ties that bound me into wings, and rewrote moments of betrayal into stories of courage.

Healing through Recalibrations: This period introduced me to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), often called 'tapping,' which involves gentle fingertip tapping on key meridian points. This shifted my emotional landscape from anxiety to tranquility, bringing immediate relief where there had once been lingering pain. Craniosacral therapy realigned the rhythms between my skull and sacrum, enhancing my body's own healing wisdom and moving me from discomfort to deep nurturing relaxation. Diving into Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) offered me a path through guided imagery and meaningful dialogue to clear away the fog of old traumas, transitioning from a state of confusion to one of clarity and lightness.

Breathwork—My Soul's Respiration: Through it all, breathwork remains my sanctuary, my homecoming. With every inhale, I gather strength; with every exhale, I release a chain. This practice shifts me from the feelings of overwhelm to being fully alive and present.

Every modality is a stitch in the tapestry of my transformation. This intensive period of exploration is not about scattering my energies but collecting them, focusing them like a laser beam to cut through decades of my shadows.

With all the light and joy in my heart, thank you for walking this journey with me.

Thank you for walking this journey with me.

oxox, Victoria


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