How Breathwork Helped Me Reclaim My Power and Achieve Emotional Freedom

breathwork breathwork techniques conscious breathing emotional freedom healing journey mindful breathing narcissistic abuse recovery personal growth reclaiming your power self-empowerment toxic relationships Aug 23, 2024

Have you ever felt trapped by your past, like no matter how hard you try, you’re stuck in a cycle that you can’t escape?

Three years ago, that’s exactly where I was—stuck in a cycle of toxic relationships and emotional abuse that seemed impossible to break. But then, I discovered a powerful tool that changed everything: breathwork. This practice didn’t just help me heal; it gave me the courage to reclaim my power and step into a life of emotional freedom and adventure. And now, I want to share that journey with you.

The Moment I Chose Myself

It all started with a choice—a choice to walk away from the familiar pain and into the frightening unknown. Leaving behind the toxic relationships that had defined my life for so long wasn’t easy, but I knew deep down that I deserved more. I deserved to reclaim my power, and breathwork became the key to unlocking that power. [Discover the Full Story of My Journey to Freedom]

Discovering the Transformative Power of Breathwork

Breathwork wasn’t just a tool for relaxation; it was a lifeline. Through specific breathwork techniques, I was able to release deep-seated emotions and reconnect with my true self. Each breath I took brought me closer to the freedom I had always longed for. And as I practiced, I began to see the world differently—not as a place of fear and limitation, but as a space full of possibilities and healing. [Explore the Life-Changing Benefits of Breathwork]

Life on the Road: A Journey of Healing and Freedom

Today, I live full-time on the road in my van, Alani, with my sweet chocolate lab, Olivia Grace. Together, we’ve traveled across breathtaking landscapes, from the serene beaches of Baja to the majestic mountains of Colorado. Along the way, I’ve facilitated breathwork sessions that have not only deepened my own healing but also helped countless others begin their journeys to emotional freedom.

But this journey hasn’t been without its challenges. There were moments of doubt, times when I questioned whether I had made the right choice. Yet, every challenge became an opportunity for growth, each obstacle a stepping stone to reclaiming my power.

The Healing Power of Breathwork in Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse

One of the most profound impacts of breathwork was in helping me overcome the effects of narcissistic abuse. If you’ve ever been in a toxic relationship, you know how it can erode your sense of self, leaving you feeling lost and disconnected. Breathwork helped me break free from those chains, rebuild my self-trust, and reconnect with my intuition. It was through breathwork that I found the strength to reclaim my power and achieve the emotional freedom I had always yearned for. 


Bringing It Back to the Beginning

Remember that feeling of being trapped, like you’re stuck in a cycle that you can’t escape? I want you to know that there is a way out. Just as breathwork helped me break free and reclaim my power, it can do the same for you. The journey isn’t easy, but it’s worth every step. And now, I’m inviting you to take that first step with me.

This October 31-November 4th, 2024, I’m co-hosting the Roots Reclaimed: A Sacred Journey in Sedona retreat in Sedona, Arizona. This isn’t just another yoga retreat—it’s an opportunity to reconnect with the earth, participate in sacred ceremonies, and experience the transformative power of breathwork firsthand. If you’re ready to reclaim your power and achieve emotional freedom, I encourage you to join me on this sacred journey. [Uncover the Full Details of the Sedona Retreat Here]]

Spots are filling up fast, so don’t wait—reserve your place at the Sedona retreat today and take the first step toward your new life!

Final Thoughts:

Your journey to emotional freedom begins with a single breath. Take that breath today and start your path to reclaiming your power. Together, we can break the cycle and step into a life of limitless possibilities.



Welcome to Raw and Radiant, the podcast that ignites your spirit and empowers your soul. Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey? Here, we give other women permission to embrace their truth, to find the courage to choose themselves first. Because guess what? You are not alone. Join us in this massive journey of empowerment and courage. Together we'll illuminate your inner spark, empowering you to embrace the radiant light within and show you how magical you are. It's time to unleash your potential and make a difference in this world. Are you ready to step into the raw and radiant version of you? Welcome back beautiful soul to another episode of raw and radiant. I am so excited that you are here. Thank you for joining me as this episode is a solo episode and it's going to drop the day before a very, very important day in my life, a day that has literally shifted the trajectory of my life. This episode is dropping on August 23rd, and on August 24th, I celebrate me. Three years ago, I made a decision that forever altered the course of my life. I chose me. That choice didn't just lead to freedom, it led to a life of adventure, a life of healing and deep connection. And as I celebrate the third anniversary of choosing me, I want to take you on a journey, one that spans the open roads of the U.S. and beyond, internationally, as I travel full-time in my van, Alani. And side note, Alani is Hawaiian for orange. I, with my beautiful, chocolate, sweet chocolate lab, Olivia Grace, We have embarked on a mission to bring something that has been sacred within my life in my healing process, and it is the power of breathwork. And we bring the sacred breathwork experiences to souls as far and wide as we possibly can. And if you've ever felt trapped by your past, this episode is for you. So thank you for joining me. Choosing my mental health over a life of toxic, emotionally abusive relationships wasn't just a single moment of bravery. It was the beginning of an ongoing soul journey. From being raised by a narcissistic parent to attracting partners who mirrored the same abuse, I found myself in a cycle of pain and self-doubt. There was this quiet, gentle voice inside me over a lifetime that whispered, and nudged and shoved and it grew louder with each passing day telling me that I deserved so much more. I deserved more love. I deserved more freedom. I've deserved more joy. I deserved so much more. So I took that whisper seriously and I chose to walk away from the familiar pain and into a very frightening unknown. I chose to cultivate a life that I am completely in love with now. Today, this choice is taking me and Alani and Olivia on a journey of a lifetime. We live full-time in our van, and I've found this profound sense of freedom and connection with my soul, with myself. And as we travel the U.S. and internationally, I'm not just exploring new landscapes, I'm facilitating these sacred breathwork experiences in some of the most beautiful and powerful places on earth. from the beaches of Baja to the beaches of Santa Cruz and San Diego to the magical mountains of Colorado and Vancouver Island. Each session and each new location adds a beautiful layer to my own healing journey and it offers space for others to start and deepen their healing journeys. But let me tell you, this road to freedom hasn't always been easy, and along the way, there's continual growth, there is continual challenges, and some of the same challenges that you may face in your life. Maybe the details are different, but that's okay. These symptoms of narcissistic abuse that can leave me and maybe you feeling lost, manipulated, and disconnected from your true soul self. the constant self-doubt, the relentless need to please others, anxiety, depression, and the loss of self-trust. And most importantly, it's losing the hearing of your intuition are all too common in many of us that have experienced these toxic abusive relationships. And it's a fog that can be hard to lift. It's a veil that can be clouded layer by layer, but I promise you it is completely possible. I am proof. And so as you listen, I encourage you to reflect on your own experiences. Have you ever felt like you were losing yourself in the midst of pleasing others? And I ask you also, what steps have you taken to reconnect to your truest soul self? One of the most powerful tools I've found in my life is breathwork. There's many, many different types of breathwork. And over this time, I have cultivated several different types of breathwork practices in my healing journey. But the one that has been most powerful for me is a three-part conscious connected breathing pattern. It is something that's truly transformative. And it's also witnessing and acknowledging that each deep breath that we take, especially when we're in a place that feels sacred and trusting, whether it's the desert or forest or by the ocean, whether it's in the Zoom room, for me, breathwork has been a deep, powerful lifeline. It's helped me to release deep-seated emotions and reconnect to my soul and my intuition. Trauma coaching has also been a valuable tool in my healing. It has helped me to guide me through the deeper parts of my past. Most importantly, grounding in nature. Grounding in nature allows my soul to hear the gentle whispers, the nudges, the deep connection of the earth. Whether it's in the mountains of Oregon or the beaches of California, whether it's in the tropical shores of Baja or Southern Florida, these practices really remind me and help me connect to my inner strength and you have it within you also. Also something that I have become very clear with is nervous system regulation. We vacillate between our parasympathetic and our sympathetic nervous system. And our parasympathetic is our rest and calm, and our sympathetic nervous system is our fight or flight. And it's not becoming in one or the other. It's having a balance of both and it's being able to navigate when you're in each one to find the harmony and find the balance of both because our breath is so innately wise. Our breath has so much to guide us through if we just simply listen. And it's sitting within the storms and the emotions and sitting within the bravery and the trust within ourselves that we get to reclaim our body, we get to reclaim our power, and we get to step into our authentic stories. Sacred plant medicine has also been a profound opportunity for me to step into more of our healing journey, for me to uncover and unpack maybe some stories that aren't even mine, that have been passed down generationally. These ceremonies have been profound in my healing journey also, and this is something that I am navigating, bringing into the space for others too in the future. I've also cultivated amazing connections on the road and amazing connections with my breath, with trusted friends that I've met along the way that allow me to know that I am never truly alone. I have. Slept on couches. I have slept in spare bedrooms. Olivia and I have walked to dogs and connected with some really, really beautiful divine human beings that we would have never met if we weren't living full-time in the van. So as I continue to explore this path of healing and liberation, I am so excited to offer an experience that brings all these tools together in one sacred space. This October 31st, 2024 through November 4th, I will be co-hosting with my soul sister, Ashley D. Adam, Roots Reclaimed, A Sacred Journey. It's a retreat in Sedona, Arizona, and this retreat is more than just a getaway. It is not a yoga retreat. It is an opportunity to reconnect with the earth and its elements, with the sacred vortexes and the energy that Sedona offers and carries us through. It is an opportunity to participate in sacred ceremonies and to reclaim the roots of who you truly are, reconnecting and grounding yourself in nature so that you can align with your soul's purpose. And in the sacred sisterhood circle, you'll find profound healing, I promise you, and you will build a supportive community of like-minded soul sisters. And if you feel what I'm mentioning here, just an inkling and a spark, a whisper, a shove, or a nudge, that any part of my journey resonates with you or that these words are asking you to find out more, this retreat is your chance to step away from the noise of this earthly game and to ground yourself in nature to come and connect with us and connect deeply with yourself and others. So this This journey that we walk on this human planet, this journey isn't just about reaching a destination. It's about the journey. It's about continually evolving, continually showing up for yourself, even when the road gets freaking tough. And I know it still gets tough. There's continual opportunities to grow and evolve and to learn and to sit and to witness when we get stuck in the shit. When our van gets stuck in the mountain roads or we face the shadows that are within us, I have learned that growth comes from witnessing, from the willingness to keep going. It's about sitting with my emotions, sitting with the tears, sitting with the sacred screams that I offer inside my van. And it's allowing all these challenges to flow through me. Because emotions are just generally, I like to say, energy in motion. So it's working through the parts of me that I once tried to hide and swept under the rug. And it's continually re-parenting the inner child within me. This toe-headed, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, pigtailed little girl that so desperately wanted to be loved by her parents. and it's holding myself with love and compassion, with grace. when things get challenging, when things get hard, and to listen to the guidance of Source. Maybe some of you call Source, God, universe, the divine, but it has been my compass. As I know, it has been your compass. So today, as I sit here on Vancouver Island, BC, in Elani, parked under the magical trees on this beautiful island, a place that feels like a slice of heaven. I'm filled with gratitude for how far I've come. I'm just loving myself, I'm holding myself, and I am so deeply grateful for the micro-moments and the macro-moments. The micro-moments that have brought joy, like watching a sunrise with Olivia by my side, and the macro-moments like this anniversary that mark the milestones of my healing journey. So I invite you to celebrate your journey too. Every step forward, no matter how small, is worth honoring. You do deserve to celebrate how far you've come, and I am celebrating right alongside of you. So as I am celebrating this three-year anniversary of choosing me and my story in this earthly game, I want to invite you to reflect on your journey. What does it mean for you to choose you? What steps have you taken to reclaim your power and to begin to cultivate a life that you are so in love with? So right after this episode, take a moment to reflect, maybe to journal, maybe to sit in nature, allow yourself to get grounded and get your feet onto the earth and ask yourself, how can you choose yourself today? a big step, a small step, whether it's worth journaling a breathwork session or simply connecting to those whispers that are within you and walking in nature. I ask you again, how can you choose yourself today? And if you feel called to join me in Sedona this October 2024, spaces are limited, so be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible. The link is in the bio. The link is down below in the show notes. Whether you're curious about breathwork, whether you're considering joining the retreat, or simply seeking a community that understands you, I am here for you. Reach out, connect, and most importantly, keep showing up for yourself. The road to healing is a lifetime, but it is also filled with a kind of liberation that makes every step worth it, I promise you. So thank you for joining me. If this episode resonates with you, please share it with a friend. Know that I am here. I am here to see you, to witness you, to love you, to support you. And do me a solid. Rate this episode. Rate this podcast. It helps me to get my message out. It helps me to bring breathwork to more beautiful souls. And I am just sending you so much love, so much energy, and take care of you. You are the heart and soul of Living Raw and Radiant. Take this energy, this courage, and infuse it into every moment of your life. Remember, you have the permission to choose you. I invite you to stay connected, keep shining your light, and continue to embody the essence of Living Raw and Radiant. Together, we are igniting a movement of empowerment, authenticity, and soulful living. Until next time, my friends, keep living your soul's desires.


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