How Observing Your Thoughts Can Transform Your Life

breaking free breathwork for healing emotional healing letting go of judgment limiting beliefs microdosing mindfulness practices observing thoughts plant medicine reclaim your power self-empowerment Nov 01, 2024
Have you ever felt like your mind was on a non-stop hamster wheel of fear, self-doubt, and worry?
πŸŒ€ Constantly spinning with thoughts that keep you stuck in the same old cycles? I know the feeling because that was me.

→ For years, I let my thoughts control me, believing the stories my mind fed me—stories about how I wasn’t good enough, worthy enough, or lovable enough. πŸ‘€ Until one day, it hit me like a bolt of lightning—I didn’t have to believe every thought that popped into my head.

Yes, sister, you read that right. You are not your thoughts. And once I realized that, my whole world began to shift. 🌍

The Key to Breaking Free: Observing Without Judgment 

Let me tell you something mind-blowing πŸ’₯: Most of the thoughts swirling around in your head aren’t even yours. They’re inherited from society, family, or past relationships. The trick is learning to observe these thoughts without getting sucked into the stories they tell.

I go deeper into this on my podcast, Raw & Radiant, where I talk about how observing your thoughts can lead to incredible shifts in your life.

πŸŽ™οΈ Check out the full episode here: [Podcast Episode] 

It sounds simple, but holy moly does it take practice. That was me—stuck in a whirlpool of self-doubt, spinning around in the same limiting beliefs until I learned to observe instead of react. πŸ”„ And the moment I did? Everything changed.

Here’s a truth bomb πŸ’£: The moment you stop reacting and start observing, you reclaim your power. 

How to Observe Your Thoughts (Without Getting Stuck in Them) 

Now, this isn’t some overnight, magic pill situation. 🧘‍♀️ It takes constant awareness to step back from your thoughts and just watch them. Like a movie, you sit in the audience and simply observe what’s playing out on the screen of your mind.

But how do you start? 

 1. Pause ⏸️: When a negative thought creeps in, just pause. Don’t react, don’t spiral—just notice it.

 2. Ask: Is this thought really true? πŸ€” Does it serve me, or is it keeping me small?

 3. Let it go: If the thought isn’t serving you, gently release it without judgment. Trust me, I’ve spent too much time beating myself up for thinking the wrong things. Let that shit go. 🌬️

By observing without judgment, you create space for expansion. πŸš€ You break free from the victim mentality, and you step into a life where you are in control. How freaking empowering is that?!

The Book That Shifted Everything: The Four Agreements 

One of the biggest shifts in my mindset came after reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. πŸ“– He talks about how our thoughts shape our reality, but here’s the kicker: Most of those thoughts aren’t even ours. Mind. Blown. 🀯

When I started questioning the thoughts I had always accepted as “truth,” I realized they were just stories—old stories passed down from generations, from society, from narcissistic manipulation in my own past.

From Victim to Creator: My Personal Breakthrough πŸ’ͺ 

Once I stopped living in those old stories, I felt like a freaking phoenix rising from the ashes. πŸ”₯ That was me—constantly feeling like I wasn’t enough, constantly trying to live up to someone else’s expectations. And let me tell you, it was EXHAUSTING. 😩

But by practicing observation, I began to create new stories. Stories where I was powerful, deserving, and enough just as I am. ✨

So, I’m asking you right now:

→ What thoughts are keeping you small?

→ What stories are you ready to let go of today?

Here’s How You Can Reclaim Your Power Today πŸ”₯ [TUNE INTO THE FULL EPISODE HERE]

Ready to take it to the next level? Here’s what worked for me:

 1. Breathwork 🌬️: This is a GAME CHANGER. Breathwork helps you shift from thinking to feeling, and feeling is where the magic happens. When you’re in the breath, you’re present, and you’re powerful.

 2. Microdosing πŸ„: I’ve been on a microdosing journey for over a year now, and it’s unlocked parts of my mind and soul I didn’t even know existed. When combined with breathwork, it’s an absolute powerhouse for healing.

 3. Community πŸ‘: Healing is a journey, not a destination. Surround yourself with people who are on this path with you.

Want More Support? Join My Monthly Breathwork Membership! 

If you’re ready to step fully into your power and start creating the life you’ve always dreamed of, my SoulUnion Sanctuary Breathwork Membership is waiting for you. πŸ’«

In this sacred space, you’ll have access to guided breathwork sessions that help release the old and welcome in the new—shifting you from the hamster wheel of fear into the expansive flow of life.

πŸ‘‰ Ready to reclaim your power through breathwork?

[Join SoulUnion Sanctuary Breathwork Membership here]

Final Thoughts: Observe, Release, and Expand 

You are so freaking brave for even being on this journey, and I’m right here with you, walking shoulder-to-shoulder. πŸ’– Healing isn’t linear—it’s messy, it’s beautiful, and it’s worth every second. So today, I invite you to observe your thoughts without judgment and step into your power.

You’ve got this, sister. Let’s rise together. πŸ”₯



Victoria Starr:
Welcome to Raw and Radiant, the podcast that ignites your spirit and empowers your soul. Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey? Here, we give other women permission to embrace their truth, to find the courage to choose themselves first. Because guess what? You are not alone. Join us in this massive journey of empowerment and courage. Together we'll illuminate your inner spark, empowering you to embrace the radiant light within and show you how magical you are. It's time to unleash your potential and make a difference in this world. Are you ready to step into the raw and radiant version of you? Welcome back to another juicy episode of Raw and Radiant. I am so, so freaking excited that you're here. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for taking time out of your day, whether you're on a walk or a drive or just simply on the treadmill listening to the show. It is my gift and my passion to bring as much thought-provoking ideas, perceptions into your reality so that maybe you can just shift your evolution, your growth to a higher perspective. So today I am here to talk about awakening the observer within you to shift your beliefs and elevate your life. So I'm going to ask you, What if the secret to unlocking your most empowered, expansive life was right in front of you, literally hidden in your ability to observe? What if by simply witnessing your thoughts, your beliefs into reality, you could finally break free from the old patterns, the old paradigms, and step into a life that feels limitless? This isn't just a concept. This, let me tell you, sister, is the key to your evolution. But I want to drop in this caveat. That was me. I was literally stuck in a cycle of this self-doubt, this fear, believing the stories my mind was telling me over and over and over. I would get caught up in the toilet bowl swirl of the shit, caught up in the toilet bowl swirl of the stories. And until I learned the power of observation, that was when I was able to shift from reacting to observing. That's when I actually stepped into my true power. And today, I want to show you how you can do that too. So I'm currently reading the book, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, and he talks about how our thoughts shape our reality. Let me say that again. Our thoughts shape our reality. They shape how we show up in life. They shape how we react in life. They shape how we treat each other. But here's the kicker. Most of these thoughts, they're not even ours. Brick. Mind-blowing, melt my face off when I read that. They are inherited from society, from the programs, from the expectations of others, and the way we are raised. And no shame or guilt to the past, to the parents, to the generations that came before us, but literally, that's part of our programming, that's part of our reality, is that our thoughts are shaped by the expectations and the way we are raised from others. We have been conditioned to believe and think in certain ways, but that doesn't mean we have to stay stuck there. So literally, I want to drop into this space, like, if I see the color red, do you see the same color red? Has that ever resonated within your mind? Now, let me tell you, when I was a little girl, that was something that always would resonate in my mind. I'm like, how do I know you're seeing the same color red that I'm seeing? So the power lies in becoming the observer of our thoughts. So instead of believing every story our mind creates, and let me tell you, like mine, our minds constantly have thousands and thousands and thousands of different thoughts a day. Can we literally step back, watch, and be the observer of our thoughts? Ask yourself, When your mind goes down that toilet bowl swirl, is this thought serving me, or is this thought keeping me small? So when you start to practice this, let me tell you, sister, you reclaim control over your life. And it's really hard to do, and it's not like a one and done, and it takes constant awareness. It takes constantly living in the present moment. No more living in the past because the past no longer exists. The past is the past and you can't change any of it. And no living in the future. The future is not yet here. You have no control over the future. You can have the awareness and the thought of this present moment. So I used to believe that my worth was tied to what others thought of me. Let me tell you, as a high schooler, that was always where my mind was going. I would twist myself into knots trying to live up to the expectations that weren't even mine. And even the expectations of past narcissistic manipulation from a parent and from past partners. But these thoughts, these thoughts that would swirl in my mind and make me anxious, make me fearful, make me shrink, they weren't even my thoughts. So once I started observing these thoughts without any judgment, there's no shame, there is no guilt here, I realized how much power I was giving away to others. And it was in that moment that things began to shift for me. So, all right, listen up. This is where it gets deep. So observing your thoughts is the first step, but the shift of those beliefs is where the transformation happens. It takes courage. It takes bravery to challenge the narratives that we've been carrying for so long. Because as you know, if you've been in my world for a while, we create this neural pathways within our mind, especially from the age of zero to eight, we create these super highways within our minds. And that creates our narrative that creates how we think now. But until we can be the observer of those thoughts, we began to question those thoughts. Are they really mine or are they somebody else's? That's when we can change. That's when we can challenge the narratives that we've been carrying for so long. So we cling to these certain beliefs because they feel familiar and there's nothing wrong with that, but also they are not serving us. So let me ask you, what beliefs are keeping you in a cycle of fear or self-doubt? But this podcast on pause for a moment and ask yourself that question again. What beliefs are keeping you in a cycle of fear or self-doubt? Now, let me tell you, I don't have all the answers. I don't have it all figured out, but this was literally mind-blowing for me. So in the book, The Four Agreements, one of the key agreements is to not make assumptions. We all know that. Cliche assumptions makes asses out of us or however that goes. I always get them wrong and mixed up, but that's okay. You get the general gist of it. So think about it. How often do we assume the worst about ourselves? Again, take a pause for the podcast for a moment. Ask yourself again, how often do we assume the worst about ourselves? Or worse yet, how often do we assume we can't change? Mind-blowing, right? The truth is every time you shift a belief, you're creating a space for expansion, for new possibilities, for a new truth and a new reality for you. So again, that was me. I have been stuck in the beliefs about not being good enough. Again, being raised in this narc manipulation, I was never good enough. I was never lovable enough. I was never worthy enough. But now as an adult, as an adult on this healing journey, I start and am an awareness of observing my beliefs, observing and questioning them. And I realized that they're just freaking stories. These were stories that weren't even truth. These were stories that were made up by my mind or by somebody else. And that, sister, is when I began to evolve on a different trajectory, on a different level. Okay, so now here's where the real magic happens. Frickin' judgment. How many times do you judge yourself? How many times do we internalize with this little voice in our head that says, we aren't doing enough, we're not being enough, we're not achieving enough, we're not showing up enough. That judgment, that's the anchor that keeps us in the past. But what if we could let it go? What if we could let it go? Mind melt, mind blown, right here, right now, that question. Observing your thoughts without judgment is the ultimate act of self-love. So like in this human journey, that is how our mind is programmed, is that we judge, we shame, we guilt. And it's a lot of times it's self-shame, self-guilt. But when you begin to observe those thoughts going down that rabbit hole, going down that pattern, can you simply pause for a moment, connect yourself back to your breath, ground your feet into the earth, maybe take a pause, take a bath, step into nature so that you can imagine what life would look like if you stopped judging yourself and if you started loving yourself instead. Boom, you'd expand, you'd evolve, you'd step into the highest fucking version of yourself. Again, I'm human. I'm on this journey walking alongside you shoulder to shoulder. I am not perfect. I am evolving. I am learning. And healing is not linear. Healing takes the up and the downs. So, inviting you that when you observe without judgment, you let go of the victim mentality, you step into full Full force self-empowerment. You're no longer reacting to life. You're creating life. You're creating a life that you desire. You're creating a life of your dreams. And that's where the true freedom lies. Right? That's where the true freedom lies is when we can create and co-create a life that is without judgment, without being the victim. And again, there is no shame. There is no guilt. We do not want to place those feelings on us because really that is not serving us either. So it's just simply being the observer of your thoughts and try really hard to no longer react to a life, that life. You get to create it. So here's my invitation to you. Can you observe your thoughts today? Can you observe your thoughts in one moment? It takes small baby micro steps. And the more that you observe your thoughts, the more that you begin to create this pattern of, is that my thought or is that somebody else's thought? So can you witness your beliefs without judging them? And I want you to try this. I'm inviting you to try this. And the next time a self-doubt or a fear comes up, instead of reacting, just watch it and ask yourself, is this belief true? Does it serve me? And if the answer is no, I invite you gently and patiently to let it go. Again, sister, it's not a one and done. It is constant awareness. It takes constant reprogramming of the mind of the neuropathways within the brain. And this is how you get to step into power, your power. This is how you can reclaim your power. This is how you shift into a life of limitless expansion. Something that I have been stepping into for the past two years is utilizing the sacred plant medicine, acillocybin. I microdose. I have been held in a container of a community support, a six week container. I have microdosed off and on, on my own. It allows me to open up. It allows me to expand even more. It allows me to see and witness the fear without the judgment, without the victim mentality, and to ask myself these questions. Is this belief true and does it serve me? Again, the microdosing, the psilocybin, these journeys, these containers that I am now bringing into my space, along with the power of breathwork, allows you to expand your healing even more. It allows you to step fully into your power. It allows you to evolve even more. So if you love today's episode, please don't keep it to yourself. If you would love to experience a breathwork and microdosing protocol, stay tuned to 2025, where I am bringing that into my space. I am combining these two sacred modalities together, the microdosing journey and breathwork, weekly breathwork. So again, stay tuned for these to come out in January of 2025. And if this episode resonated with you, please don't keep it to yourself. Share it with a friend who needs this message. Share it to as many people as you possibly can, because honestly, honestly and truly, this message helps to raise the consciousness of humanity. This message helps to raise the healing in our society. So make sure, like, Follow review rate Raw and radiant so you never miss an episode and I'm here with you on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment Remember sister you are so fucking brave for being on this path of healing and growing. I am walking shoulder-to-shoulder with you stepping one foot in front of the other, slowly in this path of growth and healing. So let's take this into our expansion and evolution together. Thank you for being here. And again, share this episode with as many people as you possibly can. It helps me to bring my mission and passion to as many people as I possibly can. So until next time, stay tuned. I will see you on the next episode. Sending you all love. You are the heart and soul of Living Raw and Radiant. Take this energy, this courage, and infuse it into every moment of your life. Remember, you have the permission to choose you. I invite you to stay connected, keep shining your light, and continue to embody the essence of Living Raw and Radiant. Together, we are igniting a movement of empowerment, authenticity, and soulful living. Until next time, my friends, keep living your soul's desires.


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