Uncovering the Power of Intuition: How Frequency Healing & Breathwork Can Transform Your Life

3 part breathwork alternative medicine empowerment energy healing frequency healing healing journey homeopathy inner wisdom intuition mind expansion personal transformation self-healing spiritual grwoth Sep 27, 2024

Alright, let’s be real here. Have you ever felt like there’s more to life than this day-to-day hustle?

That maybe, just maybe, you’ve got some untapped magic inside you? Spoiler alert: YOU DO! And that’s exactly what my latest chat with my soul sister, Ashley D’Adam, is all about on the Raw & Radiant podcast. [tune in here]

We dove into some mind-blowing stuff (yes, literal demons make an appearance), and I’m not holding back any details here. So grab your tea (or wine—I’m not judging) and settle in.

So, What the Heck Is Frequency Healing Anyway?

Okay, let’s break this down. Frequency healing is not some woo-woo fairy dust; it’s legit magic in action. Imagine your body is like a radio (you know, the kind your parents still use, haha). Sometimes, you’re tuned into static and can’t hear anything clearly. That’s where frequency healing comes in—it fine-tunes your station, so you get those clear, beautiful vibes your soul’s been craving.

When Ashley dropped the knowledge bomb about homeopathy being a form of frequency healing, my mind went, “Hold up, why did no one tell me about this sooner?” It’s all about using the law of ‘like cures like,’ which means introducing your body to tiny amounts of something that triggers your natural healing powers.

Honestly, it’s like giving your body a little nudge and saying, “Hey girl, wake up and do your thing!”

The Truth About Intuition (And How I Totally Ignored Mine for Years)

Here’s the tea: I ignored my intuition for way too long. I mean, I had this whole life mapped out based on what I thought I was “supposed” to do. But my gut? Oh, it was screaming, and I was all, “Nah, not today.” Sound familiar? ⬅️

Ashley and I got deep about this in the episode. She reminded me (and now you) that intuition isn’t some mystical force reserved for monks meditating on mountaintops. It’s that little voice that says, “Girl, you know better,” when you’re about to text your ex at 2 a.m. Or that nudge that says, “Take a chance,” when everything feels uncertain. And here’s the best part: everyone has it. Yep, even you, the one reading this with a raised eyebrow. 😉

That Time I Faced a Literal Demon (No, Seriously)

Buckle up, because this part gets juicy. Ashley shared a story that blew my mind—a legit encounter with some dark energy that tried to set up camp in her body. If you’ve ever felt like you’re carrying around something heavy that’s not yours, trust me, you’re not alone.

Now, I’m not saying I’ve faced demons (yet, anyway), but I have been haunted by my own fears and self-doubt. And it was in that moment, hearing Ashley’s story, that I realized we all have our own versions of darkness. The trick? Shining a light on it and telling it, “Not today, Satan.” (Yes, you can totally borrow that mantra.)

How Breathwork Saved My Life (And Could Save Yours Too)

Breathwork is not just about taking deep breaths to calm down—although let’s be real, we all need that sometimes. It’s about tapping into a part of yourself that’s been buried under years of stress, societal expectations, and, let’s face it, crappy advice from well-meaning people. When I started using breathwork, it was like peeling back layers of an onion (yes, tears included), and what I found underneath was pure gold: my INTUITION, my STRENGTH, and my VOICE!

Ashley and I chatted about how combining Breathwork with frequency healing is like giving your soul a spa day. It’s about reclaiming your power and saying, “I’m done playing small.” And trust me, once you start, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

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Here’s the deal: Life doesn’t have to be this endless cycle of doing what you’re told, ignoring your intuition, and numbing out your feelings. It’s time to take the leap and start trusting that inner voice that’s been whispering (or screaming) all along.

If you’re ready to explore your intuition, face your own demons (metaphorical or otherwise), and step into your power, then girl, it’s time. Check out the full episode on Raw & Radiant—it’s where the magic happens. 🔮 [LISTEN HERE]


And hey, if you’re really feeling that pull, come hang out with us in Sedona this November 1-5, 2024. We’re hosting a retreat that’s all about reconnecting with yourself, diving deep, and maybe even saging away a few demons. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this. [GRAB THE DEETS HERE]

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Welcome back to another episode of Raw and Radiant. I am so excited that you are here. You may not be able to see us because I only post audio. So I want to share with you that Ashley, my co-host for my retreat, our retreat in Sedona happening November 1st through November 5th. Her and I are circling our stages at the same time because we were just on a connection called just the two of us just because that's what we love to do since we're soul line sisters. And we talked about so many magical things that we're going to bring into this space. And so we have to clear our energy. We have to clear our space with this stage, because some of the things that we talked about were a little heavy, a little dark, a little. needing to be cleared so we'll just leave it at that. So I am here with my mystic soul sister Ashley D. Adams. She has been on the show before a couple years ago actually. I think that we realized that we were talking about homeopathy. She is a specialist in homeopathy and I'll let her explain how she utilizes that in her community. But like I said, we are co-hosting a retreat in Sedona, Arizona, November 1st through November 5th. There are spots still open. And after this call, after this podcast, you're going to realize that you're going to want to be in our space. So I wanted to make sure that she was back here. on the podcast because we have both evolved and grown in the two years that we originally recorded our podcast together and there's so much more magic and potency and frequency and vibration and all the woo that we can bring into the space and it's perfectly aligned and perfectly timed because she just got back from a live event in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with another person that is very high vibration and she is going to drop so many amazing truth bombs and wisdom and we're just going to have this organic conversation around Um, what I'm calling a mind expansion, some of it may blow your mind. Some of you are going to go up. Yeah. I don't know if I believe in that. I don't know if that resonates with me. Some of it, you're going to go, Whoa, that makes so much fucking sense. So, um, with. Without going too far into the rabbit hole, what we're talking about, I just want to say thank you for coming back. Thank you for being in my life and thank you for sharing your wisdom and, um, everything with my community.

SPEAKER_00: ASHLEY D'ADAM: Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be back.

SPEAKER_01: Yes. So yeah, share all the things, but for sure, like just give a context of who you are, Ash, if just in case somebody hasn't listened to the prior episode, if they haven't, well, shame on you. I'll link the first episode that we did together and the show notes, but please share like what your specialty is, what you went to school for, but that's not your now specialty because we know it's something way bigger and way different.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, who am I? Based off of the connection call we just had, I'm multiple different beings, multiple different personalities, multiple different energies. Yeah. OK, the one that I most identify with, though, is my 3D title here is a naturopathic doctor. And from there, I had extensive training in homeopathic medicine. I don't know if you want me to touch on that at all. And then met you. Little bit. A little bit.

SPEAKER_01: Yeah, because I know there's some some listeners that don't know what homeopathy is or don't understand it, because that was me in the beginning. And let me tell you, for those of you that are listening, this freaking works, because if you have hot flashes, she gave me a remedy that literally made the hot flashes go away. She gave my dog a remedy when she had a UTI. The remedy made it go away. So listen closely if homeopathy is something you are not clear about.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I can touch on it really quick. So what homeopathy is, it's a form of frequency healing, frequency medicine, essentially, it works via the law of similars. So like, cures like, and the best illustration I like to use is like, what happens when you're in the kitchen, meal prepping and cutting up onions, right? Like your eyes water, they may burn a little bit, Your nose is going to run, right, may have some sniffles. So then we have this set of symptoms, right? Your body's exposed to onions. It's like the active component in it that irritates our mucous membrane. So the body then presents with the symptoms that I just went through. Okay, so we have the set of symptoms. If I have someone that comes into my office and is like, hey, Ashley, every time around this year, I get these hay fever type allergies, right? So I walk outside and as soon as I walk outside, my eyes water, they may burn a little bit, my nose runs, like I may sneeze. So then I'm obviously going to do my whole case-taking process, analyze their case, and find the homeopathic remedy that's going to fit them in their energetic frequency the best. But just based off of those small set of symptoms, the most likely remedy I'm going to recommend to help alleviate those symptoms is going to be allium sepo, which is homeopathic onion. Right, so homoeopathy works on the law of similars, and essentially what you're doing is if you're exposed to something in the fullest form, right, in nature. So an onion, a tree, a bee sting, a dog bite, a bacteria, a virus, right? That's a whole other conversation, bacteria and viruses, but… If you're exposed to these things, our body then puts out this set of symptoms. So then going off of the law of similars, if you then expose the body to that same thing, but just homeopathically prepared, meaning that it is extremely diluted, so diluted that there's no like physical resonance that it's left so if you look at it under a microscope you're not going to see anything it's just going to look like water essentially so it's that diluted that it's the the tiniest of the tiniest of the tiniest amount of it right then you're allowing that to be entered into your body what it does then it stimulates your body's own ability to heal we we all have this innate ability we just live in such a toxic society, a toxic culture, that it's really hard for that innate wisdom to always be present and always know what to do. So homeopathy serves as what I like to call like a catalyst or a reminder for the body that you are just innately intelligent, like you don't necessarily need anything, right? You're just allowing this energetic frequency of this extremely diluted substance into the body to then remind the body that, hey, this is how you heal. This is how you become more balanced. This is how you become more vital. So that's homeopathy in a nutshell.

SPEAKER_01: Thank you for that. Yeah, that's it's it's really interesting to witness to that. Again, this could be for another podcast, but when we talk about when we talk about having hot flashes or UTIs or hay fever or anything like that. The mind and this podcast is going to be about mind expansion. So we're right here. We're going to blow your mind. So if you drop into your body that onion scent or smell or essence that your body is actively going to create its ability to heal itself. So with the remedy that I was taking folliculitum for hot flashes, like that in a sense is putting the estrogen back into my body, correct?

SPEAKER_00: Correct. Yeah. So that's what I ended up giving you. Yeah. I essentially gave you homeopathic estrogen. So folliculinum is created homeopathically by taking the secretion of the ovaries, like the hormones that are secreted from the ovaries, which there's a plethora of them, but estrogen is the highest and you dilute that down. Right. So in women like your age that are pre-menopausal, perimenopausal or straight up, you know, menopausal, that estrogen depletes over time so when you take something so this isn't actually like the the old school way of doing homeopathy it's a more uh new age way of doing homeopathy let's go there let's go there you want to go there yeah yes So the way that homeopathy was initially created or founded was the way that I described with describing the onion, right? So the body presents with this set of symptoms and you're taking into consideration the totality of the person, meaning that you're taking into consideration everything that makes you you, Victoria, right? So like we wouldn't just be looking at the hot flashes, we'd be looking at your personality, your energy levels, what you like to eat, what you don't like to eat, like what foods gross you out, what foods you crave, your digestion, your bowel movements, any other physical sensations. And then where I take it a step further is exploring like mental, emotional, and like spiritual and energetic symptoms that the body presents with or any blockages that are existing in those realms and those realities. But that's for sure more New Age, so.

SPEAKER_01: there's one more layer too that you bring into the space because, okay, we're getting to the root symptom with all the things that you just explained. And then you're talking about this new age, but you also bring in another expansion, another frequency, another vibration into how you administer or you offer or suggest remedies to people. And I know that that is intuition.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, yeah, we'll touch on that. And I think your dog's example is a really beautiful way to illustrate that. But yeah, going back, so homeopathy essentially, like, way back in the day, like, I think late 1800s it was founded, the way that you understood a person was purely off the physical, mental, and emotional. But where I and other practitioners now are starting to realize is that it's really important to consider things from a spiritual or energetic component as well, which is where, yeah, I take it a step further and I incorporate my own intuition and then the clients that I work with, just encouraging them to really access that intuitive knowing. I mean, our whole reality is, I shouldn't say our whole reality, but a majority of it, like we already know what we know, so it's just remembering that we have all the wisdom, which is what we know here as our intuition. I think any alive being has access to their intuition, and that's where, because homeopathy is frequency, you're just feeling into the energy of that remedy. There's plenty of times where I haven't logically used my brain to choose a remedy, because yes, I have the training. I know logistically, look at this group of remedies, or look at this group of remedies. But there's been plenty of times where I've been very ill, and I can't access that logical part of my mind. And I purely go off of feeling in my body, like an intuitive nudge, and select a remedy for myself. And I take it, and my body becomes more balanced, symptoms subside. So in the case with your dog, it was purely an intuitive thing from her. So when you're taking a case, without boring you all that aren't actually interested in homeopathy, there's a lot of questions you need to ask, a lot of information you need to have. And that's not the easiest to get with a being that can't communicate with words. So animals can't communicate. There are animal homeopaths. I'm not necessarily trained that way. But her dog Olivia was presenting with what appeared to be a UTI, right? She was urinating like 10, 15, 20 times when we took her out. Eventually there was blood at one point in her urine. So when, as a homeopath, when you're considering remedies, right, you obviously want to consider the blood in the urine because that's That can be kind of alarming, right? Yeah. It means things aren't working the way that they need to be. So you for sure want a remedy that encompasses that symptom. With that being said, there's like hundreds, 200, 300 remedies that encompass that set of symptoms. So what I just did, I went off the two most common remedies that tend to be recommended for that type of symptom. And I had one remedy in one hand, one hand in the other. I held it up to Olivia. She smelled both, and then she nudged one. So I know there's naysayers out there. They're going to be like, she can smell it. But what are they smelling?

SPEAKER_01: What are they smelling? And it was inside the container. There was nothing to smell.

SPEAKER_00: There was nothing to smell, yeah. If there was something to smell, it would be enclosed in a container. But it's diluted, none of the original substance. So there's nothing to smell. And yeah, it was enclosed. And we gave her the remedy pretty consistently. And what? I think after like three doses, there was no more blood, right? And have her symptoms returned?

SPEAKER_01: No yeah and her urinating is normal and everything so like that's that's so beautiful to be able to witness that. It's proof that our body is so innately wise. The answers are within us. And it's getting rid of the mind, getting rid of the programs, getting rid of the stories that we have been told over and over and over that this is how we should show up. This is what we need to do. This is what medication we need to take. This is how we communicate. This is all of the things.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah.

SPEAKER_01: all the things, and that is such a prime example with Olivia of just, like, nope. This is… Obviously, she can't talk. Like, she can't tell us what she wants or what she needs, but she nudged the one that worked for her, and so that's so beautiful. So, let's go into… So, let's skip over the homeopathy. That is so beautiful, but there's such another element to you that you're bringing into your case studies too, but also more than that, I've seen and I've witnessed you bring in the frequency and the vibration and the intuition into facilitating breathwork. Like I want to go there. I want to expand. And I really want to get into the meat of the conversation that we know we're going to have about this other dimension, other reality, other frequency.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah. How do you want to go there? You want to start and I'll just follow your lead.

SPEAKER_01: Well, I want you to talk about, if you would, talk about like you bring in intuition into homeopathy, you bring in intuition into breathwork. So how does that present itself? Because I've had the question before, how do we hear our intuition? Because like me at 55 years old, like I've had a lifetime of programs and and specifically I'm going to call my generation out like you showed up as this powerful woman and you had to succeed and you need to have the house and you had to have the kids and it was do-do-do-do-do and go-go-go-go-go that I'm recognizing that Ashley your generation is more open to the understanding of like what is intuition? How do I hear my intuition?

SPEAKER_00: Yeah. I mean, I think all alive human beings possess this ability to just connect to our inner knowing. And like I said, I just call it your intuition. Some people, soul's wisdom, right? All interchangeable terms. So for me, I've always been very intuitive. And here's the thing. I think everyone has always been very intuitive. It's just quieting all the chaos that's going on in the mind. So it's almost like you're not actually having to regain your intuition, like it's already there. It's just reclaiming it and detaching from everything that's inhibiting you from having full access to it, right? And before we got on this call, we were talking about how everything, just about everything in this reality is designed to disconnect you from that innate knowing. Because if you're, especially as a woman, fully embodied in your wisdom, in your innate knowing, Guess what? The people that run this reality don't profit off of you. I know people have mixed emotions about this, but the reality is Big Pharma runs this entire world. They profit off of your inability to understand yourself. Because if you don't understand yourself, you're going to go into this fear mindset the second you have a symptom. And when you do that, you are feeding their whole paradigm. Yeah, their whole paradigm. Yeah, their whole agenda. So the more sick you are, the more disconnected you are from your body, the more you know, you're disconnected from your inner knowing your intuition. And then you just run to the quickest thing that you've been programmed to think is going to solve the problem that they actually helped you create. Yeah. So that's where it's really a part of my soul's mission at this point to really help people, specifically women like reignite reclaim this inner knowing because specifically like a lot of the women in my community are moms. When you have an understanding of homeopathy, just using that, you don't have to run to the pediatrician with every little thing. There was even the thought came up in my mind with your dog, Victoria, let's just take her to a vet. Blood in the urine, not a good idea. I witnessed that program mind come up in me. But I think we both held firm in our intuition and like, no, we're just going to give her a remedy. She's going to move through it. Like, it's going to be fine. Like, she's not, you know, Olivia Seven, right? In human years. So it's not like she's this old decrepit dog. Yeah. Like her body's still pretty vital. So. Getting back to the point that I was saying with helping women connect to their intuition, you don't have to rely on someone or something external to make really important decisions for you. And for me, I think health is my personal opinion, but health should be a priority to a lot of people because it's what allows you to exist in this reality. If you're unhealthy, you can't do a lot of things. You can't experience the physical. if you're you know bound to a wheelchair or you're not able to move freely or you're not able to eat certain foods you're not able to pick your kids up right like all of those things really limit your ability to just enjoy enjoy this physical reality so when you become disconnected from that You can't have the fullest experience, I think, that a lot of us came here to have when you're connected from that intuitive knowing, because you're relying on other people, other places, other things.

SPEAKER_01: Yeah, to tell you what you should and shouldn't do. I mean, that's part of the program. That's part of this game reality. And we keep alluding to that, too. But before I get to that part of this conversation, I also want to bring in the space that everyone's intuition will speak to them louder than somebody else's. So there's different ways that you can listen to your intuition. And I know Ashley and I are, are different when this happened, when, when we hear our intuition, because mine is, sorry, yours is visual. Like in my, yeah, yours is visual. And mine's just this, this hearing. I can hear it. It's this vibration, this frequency. It's not necessarily words. And I saw on Instagram today that somebody did this meme of, it wasn't actually a meme, but you can lean, you can ask yourself a question and stand in one place. And if you lean forward, it's a yes. And it's almost like going to those pendulums too. And if you lean, ask yourself the question, you begin to lean backwards, then it's a no. So it's asking and it's getting clear on what you recognize as what's your intuition. It can be something a deep, like knowing or gnawing in your gut too. It can be what, oh my God, I just got full body goosebumps right now. Like there's little subtle signs of what your intuition is. And it's when your mind comes in and starts questioning and asking, was that it? Was that not it? That's when it's the mind. And it's very subtle and it's very, for me, very quick.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah. Yeah, I would agree. I think once you allow yourself to get quiet enough to disconnect from all the chaos that exists in your external reality, it becomes a lot easier to know what those intuitive hits are, those intuitive nudges. So yeah, like you said, I think it presents differently for everyone, but This is just my understanding from having conversations with other people. It all comes down to this just deep inner knowing that you don't even question. You are so confident because it encompasses and inhabits your entire being. What I've noticed too, the more you dishonor or disrespect or not listen to your intuition, the louder it gets. right so when you consistently are not living life in alignment with how your soul came here to experience this reality the louder and louder and louder it's going to get and it's just a matter are you going to listen or are you not going to listen and this may be going down a tangent a rabbit hole but i really think that that that's root for a lot of people that present in this disease state, right? Disharmony, imbalance, sick state, because you're consistently not honoring how your soul wants to live this reality. And when you keep doing that, there's gonna be more disharmony and disconnect that happens from the soul and the body. And when those two are not in alignment, Living this reality becomes a lot more difficult, and the body tends to wear down, I say, become less vital, less healthy.

SPEAKER_01: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I agree. I have so many examples coming into my head, but we don't need to go down there, of people that are in my life that that has happened to. And it can be very sad. If you're in tune, if you're awake to this, witnessing maybe family members or friends that aren't aware and in tune to their intuition and playing into the game, then it just becomes like, it's almost like a little disheartening too. But, um, anywho, um, I want to get into, like, I already know you're on fire. I can feel it. I can feel it through the zoom room as we're recording. And, um, we talked about the mind expansion. You just came back from this frequency, um, live event, let's go there. Because we've talked about intuition, we've talked about homeopathy, and it's all this energy, and it's all frequency, and it's all vibration. And it ties in so beautifully with what you witnessed and saw and received at this at this live event.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I mean, I think the intuitive component blends really beautifully with the story. I'm assuming we're alluding to the dark energy that I was exposed to. OK, OK, cool. So I'm trying to think how to introduce this. If you are intrigued by what Victoria and I are saying, keep listening. And I encourage you to listen without judgment and just have an open mind and just see how it resonates. We all experience this reality through our own lens, and I think we are the creators of our reality. So yes, we're all here on earth having this experience, but like Victoria, your experience is pretty different than mine, right? There's similarities too, right? But usually each individual, like we all live in the same space, but like the way we experience life is so completely different. And I think that that depends on what our soul came here to do and what our intuition is guiding us to. So yeah, I just came back from, I just call it a frequency healing retreat. It's kind of hard to explain what this woman does, how she does it. But she's very embodied and she has 100% full memory of her soul. So I have this firm belief and it's been affirmed to me multiple times that our soul is it doesn't die like it's it's this this experience here on earth is just a little blip in time right and time is just an illusion that's another another time but yeah we're we're we're always we're always alive right and we just come here and decide to play this game for a little bit and we call this game earth And here on Earth, we are allowed to have physical sensations, because at the energetic level, we're just a soul like I see us as just like this really bright ball of light. And when we come here to Earth, we inhabit a physical body. And when you inhabit a physical body, you get to experience the physical. Right? Like, we get to eat food, we get to have sex, we get to touch things, we get to hear things. And to my understanding, right, just based off my own personal experiences, that doesn't happen in, like, the soul realm, because we're purely just energy. I think you can still maybe experience, like, the frequency of love, but it's without touch, it's without sex, right? Here is a very physical, very dense, very three-dimensional reality, where I think outside of this reality, the dimensions go on and on, right? 5D, 6D, 7D, 10D, 20D. I don't know how far it goes.

SPEAKER_01: Yeah, we don't know.

SPEAKER_00: I think there are way more high-vibing dimensions than just Earth. So when you inhabit Earth, you decide to come here and play this game, there's really low-vibing energies, entities, demons, whatever we want to call it. And so at this frequency retreat, we were taught a technique on how to clear dark energy from our bodies. And I experienced a situation that I've never experienced before. I've never shared. So we're going to go ahead and share this.

SPEAKER_01: Let's caveat here. There's no psychedelics involved.

SPEAKER_00: No, I was not on anything.

SPEAKER_01: No psychedelics involved. When you hear this story, you're going to go, oh, she was on something. But caveat, there is no psychedelics involved.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, no, I was on anything, not even homeopathy. I took nothing external. And I want to share more about this, because I think a lot of people experience things like this, and they just may not be consciously aware. And here's where the intuition part comes in. I have, for the past, I'd say, two years, been really, really committed and devoted to nourishing my intuitive wisdom and just reconnecting back to my physical body. So I think compared to a majority of the population, I'm pretty connected. So when this experience happened, I knew what was happening. And because I'm connected to my intuition, I knew what was happening. I didn't allow myself to kind of go into this really negative fear response or kind of spiral. So essentially what happened, right, we're doing this technique to clear dark energy from our body. And as soon as This practice was being done. I felt, it's interesting how my voice is getting raspy out of nowhere. OK. They, whoever they is, probably doesn't want you to know. Anyways, though, this is being done. And I felt this intense anger and irritability that came over me. And I just breathed through it. And then the right side of my body started twitching. And any physical complaints I have exist only on my right side. No physical complaints.

SPEAKER_01: And the right side is your masculine side.

SPEAKER_00: It is. It sure is.

SPEAKER_01: Masculine energy side.

SPEAKER_00: Yes, yes, yes. And yeah, I just felt really uneasy in my body. It didn't feel good. And so then the session was done. I didn't really think anything of it. And then we all go back to the group. And the facilitator asked, anyone want to share? And everyone was sharing. They're like, I feel great. I feel free. I feel clear. I feel light. And in my head, I'm like, I feel fucking angry. Like, I don't want to be here right now. Everyone's pissing me off. I just want to, like, go punch someone in the face. Like, I was so angry. And I knew that this was not my anger. At, like, when I say that, like, I've gotten really great at discerning, like, what is authentically originating from my soul's true expression and what is outside of me, right? What's a program? What's a limiting belief? What's just existing outside of me that's not actually mine? So I knew this was not mine. And the facilitator asked if I wanted to share. And I was like, no, I don't want to share. And I got sassy. And then she immediately called it out that she witnessed a dark force almost presenting itself in the physical form. So essentially, what we know here is a demon. And I was a little nervous at first because I've never experienced anything like that before. And she said some things that just stimulated tears for me. So I was sobbing and crying. And what I was feeling in my body was this resistance of, yes, there's this dark energy here. And I should consciously be wanting to get rid of it and let it go. But there was also this other part of me that didn't want to let it go. I don't know if you want to get into this of why I didn't want to let it go. But there is just a deep connection as to why I didn't want to let it go. So it was this internal struggle. And that's where the tears were coming from. And then she called everyone around for a teaching moment. And she's like, do you see the entity that's showing its face? And so she was talking to me, but she wasn't talking to me. She was talking to this entity. So she's like, you're not welcome here. You need to go. And then she's like, I'm not talking to you, Ashley. I'm talking to the entity. And my partner came to this experience with me. And he was pretty much like, it's OK. It's here. I can see it. You're fine. And people were just pointing and looking at me and saying out loud what they were seeing. They were seeing almost ridges in my forehead and scales appearing. And even saying it out loud, I'm just like, what the fuck is going on? What am I sharing right now on this podcast? Because it goes so far beyond what our conscious mind allows us to accept as real. Mm-hmm. And this was very real. I very much felt it. Obviously, I didn't see myself. But like, I felt a very dark energy come over my system that like I knew wasn't mine. And so it was like this internal conflict I was having with my soul and like this being and that's where like the frustration and the anger and the irritability was coming from because there's this part of me that's like, get the fuck out of my body. You're not welcome here. And then there's another part of me that's like, oh, you've been with me for so long, right? Why am I kicking you out? And I can tell you the exact moment that I inhabited this dark being. It's wild. That experience is wild, too. Yeah, I can tell you the exact moment where I allowed this thing into my system. So then after that, I went outside and I wanted to purge it. I wanted to get rid of it. But there was also something in me that was like, no, now is not the time to do that. So I just grounded with the earth, took some breaths. Some people came outside with me just to make sure I'm OK. And then the woman that was facilitating came over, placed her hands on my head, and did what she had to do and sent the being back where it came from. And she was like, it's going to be back. This was sent to you to sabotage your experience here. So just be aware that it may come back. But for now, you're clear. And she did that. And I went for a quick walk. And I felt so much better. And I came back in the house. And everyone was like, whoa, you look so much better. You look so different. You look more vital again. You're not putting off this angry, dark energy anymore. That was my first experience with, I guess, what we know as a demon.

SPEAKER_01: So that was fun. Thank you for sharing that. Thank you for being vulnerable and just allowing us to see you in this space. And again, this is mind expansion. Take what resonates. Take what lands. And if it doesn't, just be open-minded without judgment. without anything like we're all on this journey on our own path and I truly believe like we we our soul our soul is filled within our body like literally like this meat suit you can unzip it and you can rezip it is our meat suit and the soul inhabits inside and I've also had experiences too where there's dark energies and and maybe not necessarily I have I felt them in my body but more within my space and so just take just take a couple steps back and just be quiet and listen to what's around you and what frequencies are you feeling and sometimes it's just that gentle oh it's 97 degrees and I just felt a cool breeze go over my skin like that that that is part of the program that they've made us believe oh you you're making this shit up like that's not real But who says what's real and what isn't real? Like, ask yourself that question. What's real and what isn't real? And who said that?

SPEAKER_00: Yeah. Yeah. Who decided that these are the rules, these are the regulations. Like, just witnessing myself share what I just did. Like, if a medical doctor heard that, right, I'd be put on all these medications, all these prescriptions, and probably be locked up in a crazy house, right? Yeah. Like, that's the rules of this reality. But, like, I'm literally here talking to you fully conscious, fully aware. I think I have pretty good energy, pretty bright, pretty connected right now. So it's like if we can just disconnect from what we've been conditioned to know is truth, I think that's ultimately the path to accessing your soul's innate wisdom. because you've been so conditioned to think otherwise. You've been so conditioned that these are the rules of this reality. You have to play by it this way. And some rules you do have to. And if not, there's consequences. That's just the reality of it. But when it comes to health and wellness, and that's why I really wanted to share this and share it more, because a lot of A lot of the community that I serve are these really complex, debilitating pediatric cases that no one knows where they came from, why their child still has these symptoms, and they're really chronic, really debilitating. So it's a lot of nonverbal autism, PANS-PANDAS, which is usually a really, really big rage-like energy that comes with it. A lot of self-harm. They bite themselves. They bang their heads. They spit at people. They pull people's hair. A lot of extreme OCD, repetitive behaviors, depression, anxiety. Depression in kids, where I've had a 10-year-old that's like, I want to kill myself. And so it's like, we blame all these things on an underlying infection, or a pathogen, or even a jibby jab. And trust me, I'm not a fan of those. But at what point? do we just get real with ourselves? And it's like, it has to be something that's existing beyond the physical realm. Because if it was physical in nature, the physical solutions would be working. What I mean by that is like a physical solution is like massage or lymphatic drainage or supplements or like a herbal detox protocol. And I'm not against any of those things. But That's what we're told is going to help, but it doesn't. And then medical doctors or your pediatrician is just like, oh, well, it is what it is. Like, accept this as your reality. And it's like, no. No mother should have to accept that their child chases them around with like a knife, right? And then the child doesn't even remember that they do that. So it's like, how do we not know that the child is experiencing their body being overtaken by a demon or a dark force or like an entity attachment? How can we say that that's not happening? Everyone's so quick to be like, no, that doesn't exist. But how do you know that that doesn't exist?

SPEAKER_01: It's not tangible. I think that's that's where our reality, our society is like, oh, it has to be tangible. But, you know, I'm just going to call in. There's a big book that says, well, you just need to have a mustard seed of faith. That's all I'm asking you right here, right now, is the same concept is just have an open mind to something different than what you have been programmed or told to believe. It's the same as that big book that you've been told to believe. You just need to have that mustard seed of faith. Can you simply open your mind to something else?

SPEAKER_00: I don't know that everyone is able to do that.

SPEAKER_01: No, everyone's not able to do that. And that's why that's why this this podcast may may distaste some people. And, you know, that's that's OK. But it's just an opportunity to put out and to and to our community, both of our communities to say, hey, there is There is something else that you can think about. There is something else that take the thinking out of it and feel, witness, be quiet, do breath work, see what happens, really get yourself into nature and to witness the energy that's around you, to feel the frequency of the water that's around you, to be under the stars and feel the vibration of the stars and the bigness of the sky. Like, how can we think that? OK, I'm going off on a tangent. How can we think that that that is? one and done, right? Like, I'm fully convinced also myself, too, Ashley, that you brought into this piece that, like, my soul hasn't come here just this one time. It has definitely been here before. I'm learning, and then I'm going to come back, and hopefully I learn it before the age of 50. Maybe I'll learn it at the age of 40. But, I mean, it is an opportunity to be able to witness and to see something different.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah. Do you want to go into a little bit of our connections? I think that's pretty cool, too.

SPEAKER_01: Yeah. Yeah, do it.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah. So just like, right, what you shared, and then feeding off this idea that like, this isn't our souls first time here, like a lot of us, to my understanding, I'm just speaking from my experience. Like, there is a desire to play this game over and over and over again, because it's quite challenging, right? So if we are these all-knowing, all-powerful, light-high vibrational beings coming to a very dense, a very thick, a very heavy reality, like, it's very fun, because it's very different from the soul realm, right? And I think a lot of us, like you were saying, have been here before, and it explains why there's just instantaneous connections when you meet people. Or why, like, I know how to cook, like, a very well-educated, you know, chef, but, like, I've never taken any cooking classes. Like, I know what flavors pair well together, and I can't explain why they do. I just innately know that they do. Right? Or, like, even your daughter, right? She's a really great artist. Like, how does she know? Like, this color goes with this color, and it goes with this type of medium, and, you know, all the things. Like, how do we just know what we know?

SPEAKER_01: But also, I want to pause you for a second, too. What are the rules that say that they don't go together? Who created those rules that said that those colors don't go together or those spices don't go together or those flavors don't go together?

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, that's a great one. Right? Yeah, yeah, I mean, man, we can go on and on. But I was, it's funny, I was gonna say like how when you and I first met, I shared this with you like in Breathwork teacher training when they were splitting us up like into groups of mentors to work with. So I was a mentee. Victoria ended up being my mentor in this breathwork training that we were both a part of. And it was completely virtual. So they split us up into Zoom rooms. And I was just waiting for the mentor to pop on. And there were three women that could have been possible mentors. And I just knew it was going to be Victoria's face. I fucking knew it. So she popped on. And I was like, oh, shit. I knew that. Wow, right? And we had a great time together. Learned a lot from you. And then after that, I wanted to hire on a breathwork facilitator for myself. So I reached out to you and another woman. And logically, I was literally doing pluses and minuses of working with each one of you. How would I benefit from working with you? How would I benefit from the other woman? Just the experience and expertise that you each bring in. And I caught myself and I'm like, what the fuck am I doing? Like, literally just go off of your feeling, like your intuition. And I'm like, oh, Victoria, done. And I feel like that's what, I mean, that's what allowed us to literally be right here recording this podcast and co-creating like a retreat together. Because I just followed my intuition and said, yes, if I did it and I worked with that other woman, maybe we would have connected it on a different path. But for me, looking back, that's what started it all. And then from there, we would just have conversations. And I'm like, oh, shit, we're so similar. We are so similar in how we navigate this reality, the experiences that we've had. And there is an age difference, right? Like 22 years. Yep, 22 years. It's almost like we live concurrent lives on just different times. And I've never really met anyone that's been so spot on. And I can't speak for you, but for me, there's just this innate vulnerability and safety that I feel when I'm with you. And if you look at it logically, we've only, what, known each other two years now? Not even. Like barely two years. It feels like I've known you for like 25 years. Like, you're the first person at this point in my life I think of when like, I just want to be comforted and heard and understood and consoled. Right? And like, logically, that should be my partner that I've been with for six years. Right? Some people are probably like, oh my goodness, why is that not your partner? Right? And he knows that. And there's things I go to him for. But when I'm wanting that safety, and just nurture, and love, and understanding, you're who I go to for that. So how do we explain that? Right. That doesn't logically make sense. You should still be a stranger in my world. Right? We haven't spent the amount of time together. And we've only been in person, what, four times?

SPEAKER_01: Yeah, yeah, that's what's wild. I mean, when we get into each other's space in real life, we're like, oh my gosh. It's just instant. There's no words. It's just the energy and the frequency and everything about us together is amplified. That's all I can say.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah. And for me, there's an innate knowing that this is not our first time meeting in the physical form. I think our souls go way back together. And I think you understand that and know that too, right? There's just this innate familiarity that doesn't make logical sense. So then for me, that just affirms that you have a soul group, soul sister, soul mate, soul brother, whatever we're labeling as. There's this soul connection that I think we have with a lot of a lot of people here in this reality, but unless you allow yourself to follow your intuition and your innate knowing to get yourself in a container with people that are your soul sisters, soul brothers, soul family, you wouldn't necessarily know that. So I'm very honored to have you in my life and I'm really proud of myself for following my intuition because you've been nothing but a lovely addition to my life.

SPEAKER_01: Mm, fully received. Thank you. Yeah, so I something that just came in is that it's just stepping out of your comfort zone, stepping out of the familiarity and doing something different, being brave and courageous, because that's when the growth happens. That's when the expansion happens. That's when this mind expansion gets to happen is like, What if? Like just what if? How could it be different? You get to write your own story. You get to create your own reality. And that's what Ashley and I are here. We're just like, that's really our mission is to hold space for women that with with our retreat is just to be able to hold space for women to be able to see something different. And we're not telling you what you should and you shouldn't do. It's just giving you this awareness that there is something more or potentially just taking off the veil of one layer to see, oh, there is something I can do differently to create a different outcome. Right.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I always say if you want something different, you have to be willing to do different. And I'll share really quick. I had to step out of the fear mindset in order to like come meet you. Remember that? Yeah. And so, I mean, I'm sure you can feel our energy like Victoria and I have. It's just the unconditional love. I don't think there's anything you can do or say or act that I would be like, fuck you. I don't want you in my life.

SPEAKER_01: And trust me, we've gone through a few things that are like, we've tested the limit. Yes. Honestly, that one time that we had that disagreement, whatever it was, i'm you're pretty sure i'm pretty sure that there was something inside of me some dark energy that was inside of me and i can tell you exactly where it was and i can tell you exactly like what i had been doing and that's that's what's very interesting is where your physical body is is sometimes how you absorb different things different people's energy and different people's vibration so it's just being conscious and aware and having a true connection with somebody that can say, call you out with that trust with that respect and go, Oh, okay, let me sit with this. I'm going to take a few days and be okay to come back to.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, for me, that's that's such a gift to have someone like that in your life, which is why I like, I mean, I'll tell you how much I adore you and love you. And I'm so grateful for you in my life. But why I'm sharing that is because If I didn't take the step to move past my fear to like come meet you in person which I'll explain a little bit right like would we be here having this conversation and you know everything that's we have planned for our future, but I want to bring that into the space because I think. A lot of people, like specifically women, have been conditioned to not honor what they're wanting, right? Like not honoring how their soul wants to experience this reality, right? And I just see this come up with clients, right? Like, oh yeah, I want to work with you. And then it's like the logical mind sets in because like the finances, the time commitment, like, yeah, I totally get that and respect that. But for me, what I've learned, if my soul wants to do something, I just make it happen, right? So when I signed up for breathwork teacher training, it was a pretty penny, like $4K, $4K, $5K. At that point, wasn't really in a financial place to do it, but I just took the action because, like, yes, this is what my soul wants to do. Like, I literally put out to the universe, what do I need to bring into my practice to serve moms? And everything aligned perfectly, like breathwork, right? Met Jess and Corey. That's how I met you. But if I allowed the fear of, like, oh, how am I going to make these payments? Or, like, can I commit 10 weeks to learning this thing? I wouldn't have experienced any of it. And every time I've taken a chance on myself, it's only led me to like abundance and amazingness. It's never been a bad decision. Right. And then so going back to when I made the decision to come out and like meet you in real life for the first time, I've been so conditioned by my mother to be like afraid of doing things by myself. Right. Because I'm this beautiful young woman. And of course, someone's going to want to do something horrible to me. So yeah.

SPEAKER_01: So pausing. So for context, Ashley lived in Chicago or lives in Chicago, and I was in Santa Cruz, California at the time. So there is a vast mileage difference so that there is no driving, no driving. It was all about flying.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, and I've never flown by myself. That's a lot of energy to figure out. And I've always just relied on the men that I've been with to navigate those scenarios for me. So I was like, all right, I got to really be rooted in my body. I can't be in my la-la land. I need to, oh my goodness. That's so interesting. OK, sorry, clearing my voice here. It's still there a little bit. That's OK. I had to figure out how to navigate an airport, which scared the shit out of me. Really, it's not a big deal. But if you've never done it, that's a lot of energy to figure out. And then just flying alone, being by myself. And here's the thing, because if you are in my friend group, I actually love being independent. I love navigating things by myself. But I've just been so conditioned from my childhood and upbringing to it's not safe to do things by yourself. So I've never taken the step to do things for myself because I've never had to. I have my parents, or I've always been in a relationship, a romantic relationship. So I never really had to. And I still am at this point, right? But he wasn't going to come with. So it's like, all right, I got to figure this out on my own. I want to meet Victoria. Let's do it. And I did book the flight and everything, and everything went great. There's literally nothing to worry about. I'm like, oh my god, that was really easy navigating the airport, because there's fucking signs everywhere. There's literally a sign telling you what foot to put forward to walk forward. There's a sign for everything in the airport, and it was really effortless and really easy. And then, yeah, you picked me up, and love at first sight, right?

SPEAKER_01: Oh my gosh.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah. I mean, that's when I think our souls innate knowing was like, Oh, I remember you.

SPEAKER_01: We're back together.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, we're back together. We've done this before. But I'm sharing that because if I wouldn't have just said yes to myself and what my soul wanted to do. My soul was a full fuck yes when you were like, well, how about you fly out and come visit me and just see how that feels for your anxiety or whatever we're labeling it. I was like, oh my god, yeah, I'm totally doing that. Let's go. And I could have let the cost of the flight. Well, that was a whole other thing, too, because I ended up extending my stay for five days, and they charged me $500 for that. But I'm like, you know what? I don't care. Yeah. yeah because i'm having this experience and i understand that everyone's like this and it took me a long time to get here and i'm not saying you have to get here this is just how i'm choosing to navigate my reality i don't always have the finances right like in place in that exact moment to like make the moves that i want to make But I just figure out a way. In this Earth reality, there are credit cards. Almost every person offering something has a payment option at this point. So it's like, if you want to do something, you can do it. You can do it. It's just getting out of the mind that's like, I don't have enough money. I don't have enough time. Who's going to watch the kids? Who's going to cook my husband his breakfast? We come up with all these excuses of inhibiting ourself from our growth and evolution because that's literally why this reality, how it's designed. It's designed to keep you small. It's designed to keep you safe. It's designed to keep you really stuck and stagnant. So you're going to feel that resistance. You're going to have the fear come up. But you almost have to be stronger than your programmed beliefs if you want to experience this reality to its fullest.

SPEAKER_01: You have to be stronger than your programmed beliefs.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, you do.

SPEAKER_01: Yeah. That's a mic drop right there. Like literally, you have to be stronger than the program that has made you believe that you cannot do something. Yeah, it's huge right there. So it's comes back to that bravery and that courage and listening to your intuition of like, what is it desiring? And if you can't hear what your intuition or feel what your intuition is telling you, just get quiet.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I think quiet's a really good place to start. And once again, this reality is so noisy. The only way you're getting quiet, I think, is if you're like you and go deep in the woods and are able to live deep in the woods where there's not people, there's not society, and you're able to get really quiet.

SPEAKER_01: You can go deep in the closet. I mean, I've been in the closet before. You just hide out in the closet. You close the door. You just send the husband or the kids or the boyfriend and the dogs out. And I'm like, I've got 30 minutes here by myself. No phone. No nothing. No computer. Just sit there and just breathe. And when I mean, and that's the hardest thing is just to sit there and to just sit there because the mind's going to come in, the thoughts are going to come in. And I'm not going to say that for 30 minutes you have to have no thoughts because that's not reality. For 30 minutes you see and you witness the thoughts that come in and out and in and out and you really consciously do not attach to those thoughts. Like that is the key right there. Don't attach to the thoughts.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, it's a conscious effort. I mean, I still struggle with it.

SPEAKER_01: Oh, I still do too. Yeah, it was. I mean, I'm here and in 97 degree heat and Joshua tree. And I'm like, I'm getting out of here. This is just bullshit. I'm not doing this. But it's like, okay, it's just heat.

SPEAKER_00: Exactly. Like it. Yeah, detaching the emotion from it. Like I've gotten really good with cold exposure with that. Like, I really like using physical things to expand the mind. Um, when we were in Grand Rapids together, I mean, you know that you were, you were sleeping and I was walking and I'm like, Oh, there's a cold plunge. Let's do a cold plunge. It was 39 degrees. And I did five minutes and I could have gone. Way longer because I just breathe and quieted my mind, but like my legs were like numb. So I was like, all right, I should probably get out. Like from the mindset perspective, I'm like, once you can quiet the mind and just sync up with your breath. I think that's a really lovely way to start gaming the game. Yeah, it's just like sync up with your breath. And that's all exists. That's all that exists. There's no emotion attached to anything. And that's that's so difficult. Maybe not for some people. But like for me an emotional being I experienced emotion. I know you do too. And then that gets you into the spiral and you make decisions based off of that spiral. And those decisions are not in alignment with how your soul actually wants to live this reality. Because it's just a perception. It's just an illusion.

SPEAKER_01: It's an illusion. Yeah. Time for an illusion. Anyway, it's an illusion. So anyway, we hope that this we could keep going on. I know we could. But I just hope that this podcast just allowed you a little whisper or a little nugget to open your mind to expand your mind to something different to know that there are other ways to live this life and how you choose to show up and how you choose to be brave. to allow your life to be 100% authentically what you desire it to be, because it is possible. We're both here. It is possible. So Ashley, are there any last thoughts you want to drop into this space?

SPEAKER_00: I don't know if there's anything really specific, but can I do a little plug for myself?

SPEAKER_01: Yes. I was just going to ask you, where can everyone reach you? Where can they find you?

SPEAKER_00: Of course, yeah. So you can find me, probably the easiest way to connect is on Instagram. So it's the period breathwork period homeopath. email too, but that's like the quickest way to get in touch with me. And then I am launching, I'm doing it live October 1, 2, and 3, called Intuition Reclamation. So just yeah, tips, tricks, strategies on how to reclaim your intuitive gifts and disconnect from everything that's inhibiting you from accessing your full potential and your full power, which exists in your soul's innate knowing, your wisdom, And then on the last day, we're going to do a really, really soul-expansive breathwork experience designed and tailored specifically to activate the parts of your body that are going to allow you to connect to what I call the non-ordinary realms of healing. So allowing you to access a reality that exists outside of your conscious mind and just explore what's existing there and how we can channel that and bring that in to help you access your ultimate potential with your intuition.

SPEAKER_01: I love that. That sounds so juicy. I might have to pop myself in there too. So thank you for sharing. Yeah, thank you for sharing that. All right. So if you want to see any information, any details about our upcoming retreat in November in Sedona, please reach out. You can reach me on the Instagram at Victoria Lee Star. You can reach out on email also website. It's all the same Victoria Lee Star. Thank you for listening. Thank you for being a part of this community. Please, please, please. It helps the show so much. If you would rate, review and share so that we actually and I have a big fucking mission and that helps us get our mission out into the world. So until next time, see you all on the next episode.


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